About Robert Rhodes

Bob Rhodes enjoys a home in Dracut with his wife Andrea and their two sons. He spent the early part of his life in Maine and moved to Massachusetts in 1988 after serving in the United States Army with the 82nd Airborne Division. He graduated from Salem State College (University) with a degree in history. He loves reading, eating good food, going to the movies and traveling. Bob is inspired by the idea of helping his clients fulfill their goals of income security. He is an an expert in the Long Term Care and Health Insurance fields. He has been in the Insurance Field for several years and volunteers his time with local government and Trade Organizations.
Contact me by phone at 781-354-0395

Open Enrollment…Missed The Boat?


cruiseMissed the boat for open enrollment? The good news is that your ship may not have sailed yet. There are three exceptions under which you may still obtain health insurance coverage.

Exception one –  a “Qualifying Event” 
If you are moving from one state to another, turning 26 and moving off of your parents’ health plan, getting married or divorced, losing coverage due to the loss of a […]

Open Enrollment…Missed The Boat? 2017-07-12T17:47:25+00:00

Life Insurance, A Bucket List Item?


Life Insurance, A Bucket List Item?

BucketLife Insurance, A Bucket List Item?

Let’s face it, if you ask the average person what he has on his bucket list he’ll probably run down the usual list of mountains to climb, sites to see or hobbies to pursue. Fact is, the very first thing on your list should be making sure that your loved ones will not be left holding […]

Life Insurance, A Bucket List Item? 2017-07-12T17:47:26+00:00

Medicare Enrollment, What To Do?


Steven is turning 65 this May. He has many questions about Medicare enrollment. What does he need to do to prepare and when? What will this cost him? What are the differences between parts A, B, C and D? What is a Medi-Gap policy and does he need one? Whether you're turning 65 or recently disabled, the various medicare options can be a confusing maze to navigate. Using a trusted advisor is the surest way to ensure that you are getting the most out of the various options available to you. Contact me today with questions you have regarding your best Medicare enrollment options.

Medicare Enrollment, What To Do? 2017-07-12T17:47:26+00:00

Retirement, Are You Ready?


Retirement, Are You Ready?

RetirementAre you Ready?

Recent surveys find that one of the most common fears among retirement age people is outliving their savings and investments. In this day and age, someone who retires at 65 may live to be 90 or older. Coupled with a social security system, the future of which is sketchy at best, are you ready to stretch your savings and investments out […]

Retirement, Are You Ready? 2017-07-12T17:47:26+00:00
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