Blog 2017-07-12T17:47:21+00:00

Life Insurance

By | March 29th, 2015|

Term Life insurance generally isn't expensive. Two factors dictate the premiums, morbidity tables and interest rates. Since people are living longer and interest rates are low, premiums are the lowest today. When is the right time? The right time is as soon as possible. When it comes up in conversation and you realize you don't have enough or any. Word to the wise, your employers life insurance policy won't carry over when you leave. At least not at a comparable cost. The right time is now when you are at your youngest and healthiest, it is cheapest.


By | December 10th, 2013|

Entrepreneurship Future Updates Thank you all for visiting, I will be updating everyone on a frequent basis about the upcoming changes in Health Care reform and how you can benefit from a policy review. I've included an interview I did with the lovely Linda Samuels from Billion Dollar Babies about Cortez Group Insurance and Entrepreneurship for other self-employed looking to find structure in Business Plans and organization. Enjoy and Thank you.   [...]

Launch Party

By | November 28th, 2013|

Launch Party Cortez Group Insurance, Watertown MA Health Insurance Thank's for visiting Welcome to Cortez Group Insurance, we are extremely glad that you have decided to join our Launch Party and initiative for New England. We are a New England based company however you will be able to get quotes from over 300 insurance carriers nation-wide. Follow resources related to your business and The Affordable Care Act and find available employment opportunities. Most consultation [...]

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